PhD-seminar Summer term 2019

This semester's PhD-seminar will take place on friday 9:30-12:30 in the SR 5. The schedule is below. As soon as the final title and an abstract for the talk exists, I will make them available here.


We also have the concept of the "Wish- and Delivery-list". Anyone who is interested in learning something in this seminar can (tell me to) put that something on the Wish-List and anyone who has something interesting to do so can (tell me to) put that something (together with his or her name) on the Delivery-List.


  • Spectral Sequences and algebraic K-Theory
  • Topological Modular Forms
  • The Sullivan Conjectures
  • p-adic Homotopy Theory


  • Compactifications of Moduli Spaces (Divya Sharma)
  • Off-Topic: Software like git to optimize your thesis-writing work flow (Jannes Bantje)